Positive Connotations:
1. There are beautiful beaches and backwaters, places of great historical interest, reflecting the region's varied colonial past, and an overall sense of contentment and well-being among the people.
2. The dancers have perfect control of all face and body muscles. and the make-up is striking and elaborate.
3. It was a lovely, idyllic, and i felt a bit like Gaugin arriving in Tahiti.
4. The sauce for the kingfish curry had a nice, tangy bite, and the beefy fry had an aromatic dry masala that reminded me a bit of an Indonesian rendang.
5. Jewtown is a fascinating place.
Negative Connotations:
1. Lite is insipid, weak, denatured, flat, diluted and easy: food for cowards and children.
2. He is ignorant, timid, squeamish, and childish.
3. Our morality is Lite, childish, and diluted.
4. Our religion is insipid and undemanding.
5. The entertainment industry is fluffy and fimsy.